prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe
in me through their message, that all of them may be one,Father,
just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so
that the world may believe that you have sent me.” Jesus
while praying for his disciples on the night of his betrayal (John
17:20-21, NIV)
is an open letter to my brothers and sisters in Christ who live in
and around Chetek. This is not addressed to those who do not consider
themselves disciples of Christ. This is for “insiders” - whatever
their flavor or stripe or religious tradition may be – not
“outsiders.” This is to “us”, not “them.” I'd like to
hear how you understand this part of Jesus' earnest prayer as
recorded in John 17. When he prayed “...that all of them
may be one...just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be
in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” What
I hear is that when it comes to the mission of making disciples of
Jesus Christ of all men and women, unity is not a nice thing; it is
an essential thing. Am I reading too much into these verses?
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Current roster (missing - me!) |

might be dumbing down the whole thing but in a nutshell Jesus
is the Main Thing. All the rest is details. Religious
traditions and practices – details (and secondary or even lower
details at that.) Views on the Second Coming (really only an
evangelical preoccupation) – details. Tongues and all practice of
spiritual gifts – details. Human sexuality – (gulp) – details.
There's no way around it but when the E.L.C.A. adopted
their official stance on same sex marriage as well as ordaining
homosexuals in 2009, they made it a whole lot more challenging for
the practice of local Christian unity (at least in Chetek). But
having said that this, too, compared to the deity and lordship of
Jesus Christ is details. In
the First Century, Christian men frequented local temples in Corinth
and engaged in promiscuous – (we would call it obscene) –
behavior with temple prostitutes. And yet the Apostle Paul doesn't
address them as perverts or miscreants; rather, he calls them “...to
those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy...” (1
Corinthians 1:2).
Presumably the Church of that century was made up
of some shady characters or why else would Paul write, “He who has
been stealing must steal no longer”, “get rid of all bitterness,
rage and anger, brawling and slander” and “do not get drunk on
wine” (Eph 4:28, 31; 5:18)? My point is that we are not united
because we are all on the same page in the way we live our lives.
Christians differ on matters regarding alcohol consumption, political
affiliation, the right to carry a hand gun and whether or not we
should be in Afghanistan. But we are united because we all
that Jesus is our common Lord and Savior.![]() |
A simplification of the Athanasian Creed |
my question then is this: if we all
with the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed
why shouldn't we feel free to pray with one another? Prayer is all
about agreement and in our affirming of these historic statements of
faith we certainly concur together about the Main Thing). And yet in
our community right now certain Christian leaders will not or feel
they cannot join in corporate gatherings of the Church body because
either Catholics (are
they really even saved?)
ELCA Lutherans (too
cozy with the gays)
or Pentecostals (all
that shecameinonahonda-stuff)
might be there. Better to pray with our own kind. At least they abide
by our rules.

was the end of summer vacation. Straw had done everything he could
think of. He was bored. So he went to play with someone he had been
warned to stay away from.
play checkers,” said Straw.
I'm the red ones I get to move first I get two moves and you get
one,” said Matches.
it,” said Straw. “Let's play Ping-Pong instead.”
I get the good paddle you stand on that side I get to serve first and
you have to close one eye,” said Matches.
mind,” said Straw. “Maybe we should just watch TV.”
you sit over there on the floor I'll sit on the couch I get the
remote and we have to watch my favorite video,” said Matches.
think I hear my mom calling,” said Straw. “I'd better go.”
Don't play with matches.

I were in charge, I would require every pastor from every Christian
fellowship in our city to sit down once a week to have breakfast
together. Over time something truly remarkable would flow out of that
practice among many being recognition that we have more in common
than we have differences. But I'm not in charge and even as mayor I
don't have that kind of power.
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We oughta do it more regularly |
love the Body of Christ – the Catholics, the Baptists, the
Lutherans (both groups), the Methodists, the Covenanters, the
Alliance, Advent and Refugees alike. And on Good Friday, when we all
remembering the great cost for our salvation, it's a darn shame that
we don't pray or play better together.